Tag Archive: reviews


My first ‘Voice Actor’ performance “Forever’s Too Long” is now available as an unabridged audiobook, exclusively through the author’s webstore.

You have a choice between MP3 Downloadable Zip File for $12.99, or if you prefer  available as a 4 CD set for $20.00 (which includes shipping).


This book has already been earning rave 5 Star reviews both locally and internationally in audio, paperback, and e-book forms:


5.0 out of 5 stars – Well-crafted and hard to put down

Reviewed in Canada on November 12, 2019

Format: Paperback

“Relatable characters, evocative scenery, and engaging dialogue make this book a lot of fun to read…”


5.0 out of 5 stars – A Great Twist

Reviewed in the United States on July 3, 2019

Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase

“This is an interesting take on both hard-boiled mysteries and urban fantasy…”


Diane Bouse rated it 5.0 out of 5 stars – It was amazing

“I listened to this on audio and loved it. Helen has done a superb job with her characters and story… Allan did the reading and it was wonderful. Voices spot on, all the time and such a variety.”

Just click on the link below and you can hear a sample as well as order your own copy.



Finally heard back from ACX. Two issues came up. I didn’t leave enough “Room Tone” (silence) at beginning and end of every chapter. They want .5 to 1 second of silence before first word spoken, then 1-5 seconds of silence after last word spoken. Easy fix.

The other issue, I included the closing credits and the last chapter in one file. They wanted them separated, another easy fix.

Otherwise, they had no other problems with the files. Volume, clarity, technical requirements of the audios themselves, all of that was fine.

I will be making these corrections, if I haven’t already dealt with them on my own. After that… still going to follow our own path at this point and make CD’s and downloadable MP3’s from our websites.



Because Audible has an “exclusive” clause that says only they get to produce the audios, and they do not make CD’s. They only produce Audible versions, and as we’ve been told by others NOT everyone can afford the monthly Audible charges every month.

Will our path be an easy one? Not really. But we’re hoping that people will spread the word once we have the audios up for sale. We’ll have to promote ourselves, which would still be true if we went with Audible. Oh the books would be in their catalog along with 100’s of others, so what would be the difference?

Reviews? Reviews can be left at our website under the comments section for each product.

A lot of people think that just because they got their book/audio on a big company’s site that they are set and don’t have to do anything else. But that’s the BIGGEST mistake one can make. No matter where your works are for sale, YOU still have to do most if not all the promoting to get the word out. Or hire someone to do your marketing. In this day and age “If you build it they will come…” is seriously overrated. YOU have to put in the work to get people to find out about your work.

And that is exactly what I’m doing here and now. Letting people know the CD’s and MP3’s are coming. I’ll be creating a “Store” button here on this site very soon and populate it with CD’s, downloadable MP3 files, PDF’s, and the option to order a signed print copy of any of our books.

ALSO… I will be continuing the “Adventures in Audio Recording” Series, in order that those who still wish to create audios can succeed in making Audible quality files ready for submission to ACX or other audiobook outlets.

Until next time, take care and keep writing and recording my friends.

The first installment of “The Forever Detective” series now available in Trade Paperback and E-Book formats

And the review are just starting to come in…

5.0 out of 5 stars  “Clever writing without being campy

“This genre mashup of 1940s detective/vampire novel must have been a challenge for Helen Krummenacker to write, but she pulled it off beautfully….”
“Had so much fun reading this book…”
You can read the rest of the reviews by clicking on the link below:


f4225-tvb2b-2bch2bcoverAfter one week, things are looking good for the latest installment of the Para-Earth Book Series as readers welcome Nathan and company with open arms…

4.0 out of 5 stars:  A new twist on vampires!

Amazon: October 25, 2016

Second book I’ve read by this indie author. Allan has now partnered with his wife, Helen.
Characters are fun. If you like vampires, you’ll like this story. A little Twilight, a little Bram Stoker, a little Stephen King. You can see Allan’s influences in his works. Nathan is a fascinating take on the immortal vampire. His family and friends are as dysfunctional as any modern group. He negotiates the modern world with great agility.
The monsters appear, the battles arise. A fun read and a nod to Helen for the scientific additions.
This is the 1st book I have read by these authors and I was hooked!
Such a different approach to the “birth” (of the vampyre),,, and the para earths are fascinating! I look forward to the next installments!
Care to see more?  Then just click on the appropriate link below and see what all the praise is about:



NOOK USERS ($2.99):



Go GOOGLE yourself!

And I mean it folks.  Now I’m not trying to be rude or obnoxious folks.  I’m actually being quite serious about this.  Sometimes putting your name in Google and checking out what pops up can be a real eye-opener.

The other day when I was sitting in the library with my wife who was tutoring a student of hers, I pulled out her spare laptop and set it up so I could do some writing.  Unfortunately, I forgot to bring my flash-drive with me.  Which of course meant, no writing.

So I just started net surfing.  I don’t know what prompted me to do it, but I decided to put my own name into the Google Search to see what would happen.  The results took me ever so by surprise.

Not only did I find all the usual links to my blogs and Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Goodreads, FB, Twitter, etc. but I also found a host of other book sites that were carrying my two novels “The Bridge” and “The Ship”.  Naturally I was flattered, but then I started checking some of the places listed that I was not familiar with.  It turns out that most of them were outlets that Createspace and Smashwords (who I used for my printed editions and my non-Kindle e-book editions) had forwarded my information to.  It was quite interesting to see how thorough they both were about getting my work out there.

But then I started seeing sites that really surprised me carrying my books.  Places like Chegg and Half.com which are usually associated with school textbooks.  I checked into them and found they were simply selling used copies by people who had grabbed up a copy on the cheap and were now reselling it.  Which came as a relief because, I have known other author who have had their work ‘pirated’ by others.

These ‘pirated’ copies are put out by various people who sell copies of the book without the author or the companies like Amazon, Smashwords, and Createspace knowing about it.  And just like in pirated movies or music, the author gets nothing for every sale made by these people.

So it is important to research who’s carrying your works every so often in case someone has stolen your work and is making money off of it.

But, it’s not all doom and gloom folks.  Sometimes you’ll find something that will really take you by surprise…

One of the things I found in my Google Search was a newspaper review of my first book “The Bridge” which I had never known about.  Why?  Because it was a newspaper over in Michigan and I’m in California.  Apparently, one of the people who had gotten a free e-copy during one of my Kindle ‘Free-Days’ lives there and did a nice review of my book.  I’ll be sharing that review in an upcoming post.

I was completely blown away by this fact.  The only newspaper review I was aware of was one that had come out recently for my 2nd book “The Ship”, where I had personally contacted the newspaper to see if they’d be interested in reviewing the book (hint-hint… remember to do this with your finished works folks.  Contact those local newspapers, radio stations, and even local TV stations).

So it really does pay research your name on the internet sometimes.  It’s not about vanity, but seeing who might be saying what about your work.  And also guarding your creative property from piracy.  Plus you might find some sweet and wonderful reviews you never knew about before.

Until next time, take care and keep writing.

Hi again everyone.  Yes I know it’s been a few weeks since the last entry but I’ve been busy.  Started hearing back from my Beta-Readers and began making corrections to the manuscript.  Long process some days, but very necessary.  There were issues that got past me and my main editor, which is why I wanted more pairs of eyes looking the book over.

This was something I did not do enough of on my first book “The Bridge”.  Luckily, people were so enamored by the story that it still earned a lot of 5 star ratings.  However, it could have gotten more if I’d taken the time like I have been with “The Ship”.

Anyway, I ran across a new issue as I finished making the adjustments to the manuscript.  These came in the form of ‘formatting’ issues.  When you submit your MS Word document to Createspace, Kindle, or Smashwords they all have slightly different formats they want you to follow.  Luckily, you can do Kindle through Createspace when you set up the print copies of your book.  Createspace will automatically ask if you’d like them to format your book into Kindle form and send it on to them, saving you an extra download.  Smashwords however has it’s own format that they want you to use, so you’ll probably wind up with at least 2-3 copies of your manuscript that you need to address.

Once you’ve got them ready and submitted, all three companies will inspect your files to make sure it meets their individual guidelines.  However, the fun does not stop there.  They are only making sure you have the right format submitted and will tell you when you’ve got it right.  And you’re done, right?  WRONG!

All three will insist you ‘preview’ how your book will look when they put it up for sale.  My advice to you is this… “LOOK OVER EVERY SINGLE PAGE IN ALL THREE CASES!!!”  Sorry to shout like that, but this is a big issue and can really make or break the reputation you are building for yourself as an author.  Sometimes, issues will appear that you will have no idea are there until it’s too late.

When I released “The Bridge” the formatting went to hell and a hand basket.  I did not take the proper time to see how things looked and wound up losing stars in the reviews.  Don’t let this happen to you.  Look over every page of your book to make sure the indentations are lining up just right.  Scan to make sure no paragraphs have suddenly been fused together.  Watch for unusual symbols or keystrokes that appear out of nowhere.

And if you find any in one version of your book, immediately check the other files you are submitting to the other e-book and print book publishers you are using.  I did that this time and found little errors being repeated because all three files came from the same original manuscript file.

Yes, this takes time and can be a pain in the ass I’ll be the first to admit it.  However, our goal as Indie Authors is to make our books look great.  People are paying money to read what we create and we owe it to our fans to put out the best product we can.  We don’t have big publishers and agents behind us to check things over and make corrections.  It’s all on us in the end.  And remember, you want to build a good reputation for yourself as an author.  Your book’s appearance reflects on you.

Take the time to make your work the best it can be.  Make it shine like a star so when the readers get their hands on it they don’t have any annoying distractions that might take them away from your words.

Until next time, take care and keep writing.

Today I’m going to talk about my experiences with Kindle Direct Publishing, aka KDP Select.  This is a special program offered by Amazon to help authors promote Kindle versions of their e-books.  The program is worldwide which really helps make your work available to a huge market.  You sign a 3-month contract, which can be renewed automatically or ended when those three months are up.  During this period you have the opportunities to raise and lower the price of your work at your leisure.

This is where you will usually see the .99 Cent Weekend Specials coming from, or so I believe.  When I was not in the program I could only lower my Kindle price for “THE BRIDGE” down to about $2.99.  However, this might be so due to the size of the book (which came in at a little over 100,000 words) and/or the fact that I set my royalties at 70%.  When my current contract with KDP ends this month, I may experiment with lowering my royalties cut to 35% and see if I can lower the price that way.   I promise to do a follow-up after my contract is over and tell you what happens.

In the meantime, while under contract with KDP, you will also be given the option of having up to 5 days of free giveaways.  You schedule these days in advance on the system’s calendar.  This way the system knows when to change the price to FREE for only those days.  After your selected days are over, the system will then change the price back to normal automatically.

Now, in utilizing these special pricing features, you must have the right  mindset.  The purpose for lowering your price to .99 cents, or doing Free Weekend Giveaways is to simply INCREASE YOUR READERSHIP!  If you’re an little known author like me, your number one goal is to get your name out there and your product into the hands of readers.  If they love what you’ve written they will be leaving reviews, which will be read by others who come across your work on Amazon.  They will also be telling family and friends about your book.  Some may even do a review on their blogs, or on Goodreads.com.

This is free publicity folks.  It’s not costing you a cent.  No you’re not making money on those sales but you are building a following of readers who may be much more willing to put out money for your next work.  In the 3 months I’ve been on KDP Select the number of copies of my book in the hands of readers went from just under 100 to over 1400.   And I can tell you right now, even though there are only 15 reviews on Amazon, a number of these readers have told me flat out they can’t wait for the next book. I’ve also been seeing a slow increase in the number of paid sales, I’ve gone from low single digits to double digits for the past 2 months.  It seems the word is already spreading.  Some authors in the past have seen huge increases in their sales, but I’m still waiting to see if that really happens.  I’ll keep you posted.  But I’m very excited by the number of new readers who are eager to get my next book “THE SHIP” which is coming in December of this year.

Now, with all these good words about KDP Select, there is one downside I’ve found.   While under contract with KDP they have the exclusive rights to the e-book version of your work.  This means you cannot have your book available in any other electronic book form (i. e. Nook, Apple, Sony and other e-reader formats).  Now, when I first put “THE BRIDGE” out, I had it available through Smashwords so it was available in those other formats as well as in Kindle form through Amazon.  But lowering my price for the Kindle version on Amazon or doing free giveaways, was NOT an option for me on Amazon because was NOT part of the KDP Select program.  So I had to make the difficult decision of taking my book off Smashwords and the other e-reader formats for the duration of my 3 month KDP Select contract.  When the contract is finished at the end of this month, I will be making “THE BRIDGE” available on Smashwords once again.  I basically used my time on KDP Select as wisely as I could, to increase readership and get my name out there more.

I’m hoping there will be a good strong increase of sales on Smashwords when I get the book back up over there.  I’ve already had a number of people asking when will “THE BRIDGE” be available for Nook.  That will be happening in the beginning of September, so just hang in there a little longer folks. It’s coming.

So how do I plan on releasing my next book?  Will I do KDP Select first for 3 months and then add Smashwords?  Or shall I simply skip KDP Select and just put “THE SHIP” out for Kindle, Nook and ht other e-readers all at the same time?

I had planned on doing KDP Select first and then adding Smashwords (who distributes to Nook, Sony, Apple and the other e-readers).  But that when I had hoped to release “THE SHIP” in October.  By December I was going to add Smashwords in time for Christmas.  But due to a family crisis, where I wound up losing my father-in-law to cancer, all those plans got pushed back.

Currently, I am planning to put “THE SHIP” out in December.  As to whether I do just Kindle or Smashwords as well still remains a question.  I don’t want to leave my Nook and Apple readers hanging for 3 months AFTER Christmas.   It just doesn’t feel right.  So if any of you loyal fans who have a Nook, Sony or other e-reader are reading this, please tell me if you want “THE SHIP” in time for Christmas.  You’re wish will be my command.  After all, no author can survive without readers.  You are what make or break an author and their works.

I hope this lengthy entry was of help to all of you.  If any of you have had other experiences or things to do with KDP Select, please leave comments below.  We’d all love to hear and learn from you as well.  Until next time, keep writing!


Good afternoon everyone.  I have a question or two for you all.  I noticed one of my recent posts really seemed to resonate with a large number of you.  Specifically, it was the post about Press Release Kits.  I got a lot of feedback and thanks for sharing that information and was really glad so many found it helpful.  

After seeing that response and hearing back from so many it got me wondering.  Would you all like to see some more articles about writing (character development, plot, setting, self-publishing, etc.) on this blog as well as updates on my work?  I’ve already been adding some reviews and have been thinking about having guest blogs or interviews here as well.  How do you all feel about me adding some of these to the blog? 
If I do go this route, it will be one of each throughout the month along with my regular postings.  So, let me know what you think and what else you might want to see here.  I strive to be informative as well as entertaining.  
I’m looking forward to your responses.  Thanks and take care.

Well, time for a little update.  Here are the results so far from my “Hobbit Birthday Party” last weekend. Total 40 free books were picked up. And so far 4 reviews have come back, which is great in my book. The fact that people went through it so fast and got back to me is terrific. I’m hoping with time, that as people get to read it and finish the book, they’ll leave reviews too.

Out of the 4 reviews I’ve gotten 3 were 5 Stars and the last one was a 3 star, but a very pleasant one mind you. They still encouraged people to check it out so I’m not going to complain.

This first review is from Amazon.com:

You’ll think twice about going in the water! April 5, 2013

Format:Kindle Edition
Exhilerating! The story kept me tense the whole way through. I normally don’t read horror as I prefer science fiction and fantasy but after receiving a copy of the novel it is my habit to always read all the way through and I’m glad I did. There is even a touch of sci-fi in the mix which pleased me. The story was creative and, at times, frightening, the good way a horror book should be. A number of sub-plots rounded out the novel but it is the main plot that is so riveting. I don’t want to post any spoilers except to say the concept of the evil hidden in the river is a nice change from coming from underground. For fans of the horror genre, this is a must read.

These reviews are from Smashwords:

Review by:  on April 06, 2013 : star star star

Good ideas, well paced and well plotted, with interesting and engaging characters.

But it needs a thorough editing; I felt like I was reading an unpublished draft. The common banter style made the characters tend to blur together, and really, could they not sometimes just get on with their bloody jobs instead of making with the constant sexual jokes & innuendos? And the author very badly needed to consult someone actually British for the voice of the supposedly British characters – these are teeth-gratingly bad at times. (What is Oye even supposed to mean? Oy? Oi? Aye? What kind of English are we even talking about? Seems to veer randomly cockney & posh.)

I got the book free in exchange for a review; I hope this isn’t so harsh as to be discouraging. There’s a lot of good in it; it just needs some balancing and tweaking.
(reviewed within a month of purchase)

Review by: April 03, 2013 : star star star star star
As someone who got to proof read this, I must say I love it! Found a few surprises in it that were not there before! Can’t wait for the next one!
(reviewed within a week of purchase)

Review by: March 31, 2013 : star star star star star
The Bridge is an excellent book, well written. A genre I don’t usually read but, I will look out for Allen’s next book.
(reviewed the day of purchase)