Tag Archive: novel

Okay, the countdown to the release of “The Pass” is on! Which means it’s time for Sneak Peek Saturdays! 

From here on out, up until the book’s release, we’ll be bringing you peeks into this brand-new novel (which FYI, is the first installment of a trilogy of books). Originally, Rich and I had planned on just one fairly good-sized book, but soon the story and the characters kept growing to the point we began talking about making it a two-volume tale. But of course, again the story kept expanding to where we finally said “FINE! We’ll make it a trilogy… OKAY?” That seemed to satisfy our two muses. At least for now.

There’s a good possibility that further stories involving some if not most of these characters may be looming large in the future. But for now, we just have this one rather epic tale for you.

And like any good epic, it contains a number of key and supporting characters. So, we’ve decided to take advantage of Sneak Peek Saturdays to introduce you to some of those characters and give you glimpses of who they are and what they’re like. 

This week I’m introducing you to a number of the more major members of our cast. So without further ado, sit back and dive into a large section of Chapter 1 of “The Pass”…

(Another of Gabby Callan’s beautiful artwork you will find within the pages of this exciting novel)


November 1846

 “Damn you, Hastings,” gasped Jacob Long as he struggled to remain upright in the waist deep snow. The small bundle that hung from his neck let out a pitiful cry.
    “No, no it’s all right, Sweetie,” he murmured soothingly and made for the nearest tree. Once there he propped himself up and made gentle rocking motions. “I’m not gonna let any of them touch you. We’ll get help, you’ll see.”
    As if to mock his words, a howl rose above the blowing wind. They were getting closer.

    Yet in spite of the approaching danger, the baby quieted down. Neither of them was going to last much longer if he didn’t find help soon and he knew it. Catching his breath, he straightened to his full six-and-a-half-foot height and plunged headlong into the storm once more. The snow was deep, but his long legs allowed him to continue forward in spite of the seemingly never-ending obstacle and the torrential breeze which seemed to be trying to drive him back.

    As he struggled, a part of his brain kept lamenting that he hadn’t followed the path the Reed’s group had taken. But Amanda had insisted they try to catch up with Donner and his group. “Cousin Lansford assured me that Mr. Donner will watch out for us,” she’d said.

He’d always done everything he could to make her happy, so he’d listened, and it had cost them… dearly.

    Shortly after the snow began to fall, they came. First they’d gotten the cattle, then the oxen, and finally his beloved Amanda. He’d been out searching for food and had actually shot a deer and was bringing it back when he found them swarming over her like a pack of wolves. One of them had just started towards Sara when he let loose with his rifle. The noise startled the others and caused them to scatter. Especially after they saw how his shot sent their companion flipping head over heel before landing in the snow where it writhed in agony before he put another bullet through its head.

    He’d rushed to his beloved’s side, but she was already gone. Tears ran down his face as he prepared to bury her, but then Sara began to cry. It took him less than a second to realize his daughter was crying not from hunger, but fear. The things he’d driven away were coming back. Grabbing his daughter and what few supplies he could, including jars of milk he’d gotten from the cattle before they’d died, he fled into the night hoping to lose them. But those damned things had given chase.

    However, luck had been on his side. Out of desperation, he’d crossed a stream where his pursuers came to a halt. Whatever evil moved them seemed unable to cross the running water allowing him and his daughter to escape. But their reprieve had been a brief one.

    Within days, they’d found his trail again and now they were closing in. If he could just get to a cave or someplace where he could start a fire, he was sure he could hold them off till morning. They never seemed to follow during daylight, which would allow him to put more distance between them. Unfortunately, he could barely see anything in this storm.

    The roar of the wind seemed to drown out all sound. He could barely hear his own labored breathing above it. For all he knew his pursuers could be practically on top of him and he wouldn’t hear them until it was too late.

    Pushing forward he kept muttering to himself, “Got to keep moving. Can’t let them have Sara! I must get her to safety. Catch up with Donner and his party, they’ll help us, they’ll…”

Suddenly the storm seemed to ease, and the air became still.

    The man paused in mid-step. Until recently, being in the woods held no fear for him. He’d been a hunter and trader most of his life. In fact, he had spent not one but two winters in horrendous conditions and survived. Therefore, he knew how storms behaved and they didn’t act like this.

    Silently he crossed himself. He had no idea exactly what this place was, but it seemed that the law of God and nature did not apply here. He stood there wondering if he should retrace his steps when his ears detected movement nearby.

    Turning towards the sound, he spotted several pairs of glowing eyes staring at him from the darkness. They were low to the ground, so he knew it couldn’t be the ones he’d been fleeing from. Besides, these eyes were animal, not human. ‘Wolves,’ he thought with despair.

    A pack of them, and probably half-starved. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be bothering with him. Then again, they could simply want his daughter, and he wasn’t about to let that happen.

    He started reaching for his gun, then thought better of it. He could definitely nail one or two, and the sound might scare the rest of the pack off. But if they were as hungry as he suspected, even the sound of gunfire might not be enough. Plus, he’d need to reload between shots. No, he’d have to deal with them another way.

    Reaching over his shoulders, he pulled out a pair of wicked looking axes saying, “Wolf meat is as good as any in this weather.” Brandishing his weapons in a meaningful way, he grinned wickedly and added, “And I reckon I’m hungrier than any of you. So, who’s gonna be first?”

    The animals paused in mid-step.

    They were hungry all right. But it was clear that they could sense he would not be easy prey.

    For a brief moment, he thought just maybe they were going to back off. But then Sara gave a little cry.

    Immediately, the animals began advancing once more.

    Realizing they hadn’t known about her, now he was even more determined to keep his child safe at all costs. As the lead wolf drew closer, he took a defensive position: one arm waving an axe in front, while the other was poised to strike with its companion.

    The animal uttered a low menacing growl and started to spring… and suddenly vanished.

Jake blinked in disbelief. It had happened so fast. Something big had shot past him and had taken the animal with it.

    For an instant, he thought about the others, but quickly shook his head. The movement was all wrong. They moved in a strange jerking and hopping fashion. The thing that had taken the wolf had moved in a fast almost fluid motion.

    The eerie silence seemed to close in once again, only to be punctured by an animal’s scream that ended almost as quickly as it came. The other wolves took note and began to look uneasy.

    Soon a slicing sound pierced the gloom, and the smell of blood began to permeate the air.

Jake thought for a moment the smell would drive the wolves into a frenzy, but instead it seemed to frighten them. A few even began to whimper.

    More strange sounds erupted from the darkness then a figure stepped into view. It was a wolf, but far larger than any he’d ever seen. The beast moved on all fours and slowly approached him and the pack. It took Jacob a moment to realize that the beast was walking on top of the snow without breaking the surface, in spite of its massive size.

    The pack seemed to realize that this newcomer was nothing like them and began to back away warily but were not actually turning tail and running off.

    Meanwhile, the great wolf snarled and barked at the pack which clearly outnumbered it.

    To Jake it sounded like a challenge, but none of the wolves seemed inclined to accept and he couldn’t blame them. He could feel his own knees struggling to keep him upright, as one thought raced through his brain. ‘Has this thing been sent from Heaven or Hell? Are we to be delivered or slaughtered?’

    As if hearing his thought, the animal turned its gaze on him and immediately Jake fell to one knee. Those eyes… burning with crimson fire… and age. Great age, coupled with anger…

    Still clutching the axes in his hands, he prepared himself for the attack he was sure was inevitable. Unfortunately, it did not come from in front of him like he expected.

    Instead, it came from behind. The others had found him…

    The great beast had been studying the human with curiosity. How had this individual found this spot? Normally, his kind simply paused and walked around after shaking slightly. But this one had actually entered the area, armed no less. Furthermore, the man had brought wolves with him. Not that it minded. It had needed a new skin and the leader of the pack had been just the right size.

    The animal had put up a good, if somewhat short struggle, but that was mostly due to its being malnourished. The skin, which had been practically hanging in areas on the animal, was now stretched taught, filled with muscle and power it had never known before.

    Yes, this new skin was just right. The other wolves would probably follow. It was hard to say. The scent of their former leader was pouring off the skin, but they would be picking up on the ‘other’ smells as well. Eagle, coyote, rabbit, deer, wild boar, bear… so many scents, but underlying all of them was power. They were in the presence of a new master, one who could reward or punish them without a second thought.

    But right now, its thoughts were focused solely on the man kneeling in the snow before it. He was clutching something to his chest… his offspring? A newborn? No, the scent was wrong. It was several months old, but still too fragile and helpless to be on its own. It needed the protection of its parent, the man.

    Staring into the eyes of the man it could see that he possessed the determination and a willingness to fight, in spite of his fear. Yet there was something else, a hint of awe and hope?

    At that moment, the child gave a cry. It sounded almost like the newborn of one of the big cats, only there was something more in the child’s voice. A warning of approaching danger.

    Immediately, the great wolf raised its hackles as its nose caught the scent of the approaching threat. The dead things were coming!

    A wave of anger swept through the beast’s form which seemed to swell and grow even larger. How dare they invade this place! No matter, they would pay dearly for this intrusion. As for the ones who led them here…

    The beast slowly shifted its gaze back to the man, but instead found its eyes focusing on the little one in his arms. The child had stopped crying and her eyes were fixed on its own.

    ‘So small… so weak… so easy to take… the pack is so hungry…’

    The thought had come unbidden. This was not unusual. The skin remembered the mind that had inhabited it before. The skin always remembers.

    The creature shifted slightly, but did not attack. The… infant? Yes, that was what it was called, was still looking its way and actually reached out a tiny hand…

    ‘So small… so helpless…’

    Suddenly, the moment was broken. The dead things had arrived.

    From out of the darkness they leapt, covering huge distances in a single bound. They were shaped like men and had their arms extended, but there the similarities ended. Their smell was all wrong. They reeked of years old carrion, even though they were perfectly intact. The color of their skin was wrong, and several had long white hair. Their clothing was not like that of any humans the beast had ever seen before. Except that one time some years ago when a stranger came with others who buried boxes not far from here…

    But now was not the time to remember. The smell of blood was in the air.

    The man with the child was hacking at the dead things with the weapons in his hands which seemed to be proving effective. Two heads were already lying on the snow at the man’s feet.

    It was almost like watching a dance. The twin axes seemed to glisten in the moonlight as they arced and curved in time with their wielder, who spun and wove between opponents. Soon an arm and another head fell at the man’s feet, as the blades continued their intricate motions. Yet, in spite of the growing number of fallen body parts, more of the enemy kept appearing on the scene.

    With a low guttural growl, the great wolf turned to the pack and barked a terse command. Several of the wolves began to back up, whimpering like frightened pups, while the rest stood their ground. But none leapt to the attack as commanded.

    Frustrated the great wolf was about to repeat his command when several of the jumping things landed in their midst and began tearing into the pack. Snarls and cries of pain ripped through the night air, as several animals found themselves being rendered asunder by talon-like hands that sliced into their fur and skin with ease.

    Most of the animals turned and fled, but a few remained as they found themselves surrounded.

    The great wolf could stand no more. With a roar that seemed to shake the trees it leapt into the fray. Jaws slavering it grabbed one of the dead things and shook it like a rag doll until it heard the sound of snapping joints and cracking bones. Then it hurled the thing into the nearest tree where it made a most satisfying crunch.

    Without pause the beast took up a position in front of the remaining wolves and took out several more of the dead creatures in the same manner. Bloodlust filled the huge wolf’s mind, yet a small amount of reason managed to find its way to the surface and pointed out that the tide of battle was not changing in its favor.

    Looking about, the beast saw each and every opponent it had hurled aside was getting back up. Dislocated limbs, and snapped necks, were clicking back into place as the things rushed to rejoin the fight.

    Turning to the man with the weapons, it saw that he too was still hard pressed by the onslaught of their common enemy. Yet, the ones whose heads he’d removed, which now totaled four, had remained dead. Others, who had gaping wounds, or had lost a hand or arm, were still attacking. For that matter, so were their dismembered limbs.

     At that moment, the man looked up and cried, “Behind you!”

    Turning, the great beast found its first victim had fully recovered and was grabbing its upper and lower jaws. With a strength it had never known in any human, the great beast found its mouth being forced open wider and wider.

    For the first time, in its long existence, the being who wore the wolf skin began to experience fear.

    As self-preservation kicked in, the beast rose up on its hind legs which elongated and took on a more human shape. At the same time, its front legs stretched and thickened into two fur-covered arms, while the paws took on a more hand-like countenance and grasped the offending hands forcing its mouth open.

    Grasping its opponent’s wrists, the beast snapped them like twigs freeing its mouth. Uttering a monstrous howl, it lunged forward and sank its teeth into the dead thing’s neck and with one great jerk, severed the head from the body.

    Immediately, the headless form went limp and fell to the ground where it lay still and did not get up.

    Still holding the head in its jaws, the bipedal beast began to raise its head in triumph, then stopped. Some of the blood from the severed head had slid into its mouth and the taste caused the beast to retch. Spitting the head out, the creature buried its muzzle in the snow, swallowing great heaps of white, as if to cleanse itself.

    At last the taste was expelled from its maw and the creature began to right itself when it heard the man with the axes scream. Looking up it saw one of the enemy had managed to rip the sling, which held the infant, from him.

    The dead being held the sling aloft and studied it curiously, as the child wriggled within and began to cry.

    “NO!” the man screamed as he struggled beneath the weight of several of the other dead men as they brought him down into the snow.

    Without pause, the great wolf launched itself forward and in one swift movement grabbed and ripped the arm holding the child aloft. It paused only briefly, to throw the still moving appendage away and then stared down at the infant who had ceased to bawl. Instead, she seemed to be staring at him in wonder. There was not the least scent of fear from her. Instead she seemed to be fascinated by his long snout and strange countenance.

    Suddenly, the babe seemed to gasp and without looking, his free hand shot out and grasped the neck of the dead thing, whose arm he’d removed. The thing writhed in his grip, slashing at him with its remaining talon clawed hand. The pain was great, but not enough to make him ease his grip.

    Eyes still focused on the child, he uttered a bark at the remaining three wolves which immediately came to his side and formed a tight circle with their bodies. Into the center of this living warmth, he lowered the baby in its sling. With one final command to the trio, he turned to the thing in his hand.

    At that same moment, the dead human’s nails extended to the length of a forearm and sliced into his side.


    So, there you have it dear friends. Did you like it? Did it grab your interest? Do you want more? 

    If so, there’s good news. You’ll get more in the next blog post where you’ll get your first glimpses of our baddies of the piece, as well as more action and even a little heartbreak as the battle continues and one will fall, only for another to ‘take his place’. 

    Until next week stay safe and keep writing and recording dear friends.


Today we are proud to be part of A. J. Alexander’s “Demon Tracker” Blog Tour, where we introduce you to the author and the third and newest installment to her ‘Council of Twelve’ book series.

Let’s start with getting to know the author herself, Miss Aurora Jean Alexander:

Thanks for joining us today Aurora, tell me what is your e-reading device of choice?

I’m reading on a Kindle Paperwhite

Describe your desk what does it look like?

I have a computer desk with a laptop and an extra monitor, a multifunctional printer device and books, papers, paper sketchbooks and pens, pens, pens.

Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing?

My upbringing does not have any influence on my writing. I’m writing fantasy and paranormal romance.

When did you first start writing?

I’m not sure there ever was “a start”. I learned to write at the age of four and I remember developing little stories since I’m a Kindergarten kid. In school, when others complained about essays, mine were easily 6 – 10 pages long, I enjoyed it so much.

What is the greatest joy of writing for you?

Writing is my passion. Writing is a way to focus my creativity on building a (hopefully) good story. Writing relaxes me, calms me, challenges me, and it makes me happy. It is a part of my life.

What are you working on next?

I’m working on ‘The Council Of Twelve’ series and ‘Soul Taker’ is the first book of the series. Different books of the series are in different states of completed. Right now I’m writing the seventh and eighth book in the series while several are being edited or waiting with my editor.

Who are your favorite authors?

I love reading Eric van Lustbader, James Clavell, Clive Cussler, and many other famous writers. But: I read books by L.W. Smith, Merlin Fraser, Micki Peluso, Taylor Fulks, Jim Spencer, Allan Krummenacker, and many others who held me intrigued and entertained. There are so many fantastic new authors out there. I’m adding their books to my “to-read” pile. Every single one of their books can teach me a lot about writing.

Okay now you’re making me blush. Let’s get back to you. What is your writing process?

The first draft is written by hand. By typing it into the computer I am able to catch the major flaws and can correct them. After that, the manuscript goes to editing, from there to filing for copyright. Then I send it out to Beta readers. That’s how I did it with the first book in the Series, ‘Soul Taker’. Let’s see how it works out and if the process will slightly change with the next books.

Of course, there are more things in between, marketing, book cover, writing blurbs, getting a trailer done, and so on.

How do you approach cover design?

I have KJ Magical Designs, Kathryn Jenkins, who does the covers for me. She is educated in graphic design and did a wonderful job with the first book of the series. I saw her work on other books and I’m happy I decided to pick her as my cover designer for that book series.

If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book?

The answer is no. If I wasn’t happy with the book the way it is I wouldn’t call it ‘completed’. My work is completed when I’m satisfied with the book, the characters, the plot and the entire story. How can I expect readers to like it if I don’t fully stand behind my work?

If people want to follow you on social media where can they go:

Website: http://www.aurorajeanalexander.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorAJAlexander/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/AuroraJean_A

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aurorajeanalexander

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/authorauroraj/

Blog: https://aurorajalexander.wordpress.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aurorajeanalexander/

Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/authorajalexander

Amazon: https://amazon.com/author/aurorajeanalexander

BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/a-j-alexander-1051e4da-dbd9-4505-9423-a3a7bf9c88dc


Great, can we get a little peek into the book?

Of course, here you go…


Excerpt from Book 3 of ‘The Council Of Twelve’ series – Demon Tracker

Less than twenty minutes later, I received a message from Michael. I was strictly ordered not to do anything but stay where I was. Andreas would pick me up a little later. In the meantime, I could work out in the gardens with some of the angels if I wanted to.

“I’m sorry, Zye. I must leave at once,” Uriel whispered. He kissed my cheek and was gone.

I worked out with Robbie and Daniel while Maria watched us carefully. All three of them were excellent sword fighters and we had a good time. After the workout, I rinsed the sweat off my body, dressed in black pants and a white t-shirt and went outside again to sit down and just enjoy nature for a while.

I watched frogs climbing out the pond, sparrows and hummingbirds flying and hopping all over the place and butterflies filling the air with breathtaking colors.

After a while, Andreas sat down next to me on the white bench. “Hello, Zye.”

“Hi, Andreas. I was told you were supposed to take me somewhere?”

He smiled. “Not just somewhere, Zye. You will be meeting the ‘Council of Twelve’.”

I froze. “Are you joking?”

He shook his head. “No.”

I felt my blood drain from my face.

Andreas jumped up. “Holy Mary! You’re not going to pass out on me, are you?”

I carefully stood up, testing whether my feet would still carry me.

My body trembled.

Andreas laughed. “Listen, Zye, there is no reason at all to freak out. Yes, they’re Archangels, but they won’t eat you. Don’t forget, Uriel will be there as well and he’s likely to protect you!”

I took a couple deep breaths. “Yes, he will. But what can he do when eleven others are voting against me?”

Andreas laughed. “What do you think they’d vote for? Killing you? Zye, they’re angels, standing on our side, fighting against evil. Just like what you do!”

His words made me think for a few moments before I finally replied, “I can’t help myself, Andreas. I’m still scared to death.”

He smiled mildly. “There is no reason to fear them. Of course, respect them. After all, they’re probably the most powerful individuals on Earth besides our one and only Creator. They’re not going to do anything bad or evil to you.”

I slowly tried to slow my heart rate and bring my trembles under control. “See? You’re getting better.” Andreas grinned. Then he opened his arms and offered to carry me to the assembly hall.

The so-called “assembly hall” was an enormous room, beautifully built, with polished marble of purest silver-gray, inlaid by some marble that looked like the veins of fire. The ground was covered with anthracite colored stone and harmonized beautifully with the light gray walls and the beautifully painted fiery ceiling. The ceiling was so high, even the Archangels could fly within the hall.

The room was equipped with a small waiting area with black leather seats and a small glass table. It was quite modern, but comfortable. Andreas gave me a brief description before we started to prepare me for the impressive and pompous sight.

After our arrival, I stepped away from Andreas and in my head heard Uriel’s voice: “If you’re going to do this more often, girl, I will have problems with that.”

I grinned. “There is only one solution to this problem,” I replied.

“And this is?” Uriel’s buoyant voice asked back.

“Next time pick me up yourself, Mr. Taxi,” I snarled.

I enjoyed the mental clash and the growing closeness it showed between Uriel and me.

Andreas curiously examined my face. “You were just somewhere else with your thoughts,” he commented with amusement.

I blushed furiously which made him chuckle.

“I’ll wait here for you.”

I swallowed. “I… okay.”

Then I turned to the huge ornate white door that opened by itself to let me inside.

There I found two huge angel warriors in full armor and a beautiful winged woman gesturing for me to follow her. She led me through a light, nearly empty corridor to a smaller pair of wooden doors. She opened them to let me enter. I hesitantly entered and the door closed behind me.

There I stood in front of a simple long table with twelve tall, exceptionally beautiful Archangels, each of them unique Still, I had the impression that these individuals formed an enormously strong singular entity.

Of course, I saw their different manifestations , but what caught me off guard was the fact I could perceive them all so clearly. Their smells and aromas were much stronger than the ones of other individuals I had encountered.

I already memorized Uriel’s scent. To me he was the purity of flames and heat, fire, and blaze. But to be truthful, he smelled deliciously like cinnamon. I hid a smile.

I interrupted my train of thought when Michael stood. “Please, Zye, come closer and meet the ‘Council of Twelve.’ From your left: Uriel, Myself, Anghariel, Zachariel, Centriel, Deonur, Raphael, Gabriel, Benadrel, Santanael, Tsechirel, and Simael.” He threw me a sharp look. “You seem to be totally in shock, Zye. Are you all right?”

I almost collapsed; my mouth was as dry as an Arabian desert. I had to swallow before finally I was able to reply. “Forgive me, Mylords. I just discovered that I apparently can catch your natural fragrance in a very strong and unique way. It hit me when I entered the hall.”

Gabriel rose, eyeing me curiously. “Wow, really? You’re not kidding?”

I only shook my head.

“Does that mean, even if you can’t see us, you’re still able to tell we’re here?” “Not only that,” I explained. “Each one of you smells unique.”

Gabriel seemed enthusiastic about this information. “You could tell us apart without even seeing us?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“No ‘Sir’ here, Zye,” he replied with the wink of an eye. “I’m Gabriel.” He turned to the others who had similar expressions on their faces. “Oh, please, can we take the time?”

Michael laughed. “We’re not in a hurry.” He scanned me quickly. “Are you up for a test?”

I swallowed dryly. “Yes.”

Uriel stood. “Fine with me, friends. But seriously: she looks like she’s going to pass out any minute. Would you mind being nice enough to offer her some water and let her relax for a couple of minutes?”

He walked around the table and handed me a glass of water. His hand was placed caringly onto my shoulder.

Just when I took a sip, Anghariel drawled, “Sheesh, Uriel. You sound as worried as Grandma Walton.”

I spit my mouthful of water across the floor, laughing. This unexpected little mishap made the Archangels stare at me in wonder before they smiled as well. I apologized, but it took a couple minutes until we all calmed down. By that time, I was visibly relaxed and Michael called his friends to order.

“What do you need for us to do, Zye?” he asked politely.

I smiled. “Not too much. I need to separate each one of you. I would say, at about the distance from here to the furthest corner over there. Then your natural perfumes won’t get mixed altogether.”

“Who do you want to start with? Uriel?” Michael asked curiously.

Anghariel chuckled. “I don’t think so, brother. I’ll bet my socks she knows his stench quite well by now.”

I blushed, Uriel grinned and eleven Archangels apparently had tons of fun. I bowed my head politely to Anghariel. “Would you mind if I start with you?”

He laughed. “Nope. It would be my pleasure.”

Copyright © Aurora Jean Alexander 2019

Very intriguing, where can folks go to read the entire book?

I have some links right here:

Amazon US Ebook: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B086ZRDMFD?ref_=pe_3052080_276849420

Amazon US Paperback: https://www.amazon.com/Demon-Tracker-book-Council-Twelve/dp/B086Y39W24/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=

Amazon UK Ebook: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Demon-Tracker-book-Council-Twelve-ebook/dp/B086ZRDMFD/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Demon+Tracker+A.+J.+Alexander&qid=1587258649&sr=8-1

Amazon UK Paperback: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Demon-Tracker-book-Council-Twelve/dp/B086Y39W24/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1587258649&sr=8-1

Amazon DE Ebook: https://www.amazon.de/Demon-Tracker-Council-Twelve-English-ebook/dp/B086ZRDMFD/ref=sr_1_2?__mk_de_DE=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&dchild=1&keywords=Demon+Tracker+A.+J.+Alexander&qid=1587258666&sr=8-2

Amazon DE Paperback  https://www.amazon.de/Demon-Tracker-book-Council-Twelve/dp/B086Y39W24/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1587258666&sr=8-2

Smashwords https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1014830

Apple Books: https://books.apple.com/us/book/demon-tracker/id1507992511?mt=11&ign-mpt=uo%3D4

Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/demon-tracker-a-j-alexander/1136855142;jsessionid=8571FBC6991BD7C75C6E3EC7DA170538.prodny_store01-atgap18?ean=2940164037963&st=AFF&2sid=Draft2Digital_7968444_NA&sourceId=AFFDraft2Digital

Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/demon-tracker

Looks like you’ve got everyone’s format needs covered. Thanks so much for letting us be part of your blog tour and best of luck with the rest of the series.

Thanks for having me and hosting the book.


New book means new book trailer! Allan does the narration. Enjoy.

As many of you have learned from my last post, my great adventure in audio recordings has begun. So far I have recorded only the one short story “Wolves and the Northern Lights”, which comes from our first anthology book “The Vampyre Blogs – One Day At a Time”. But simply recording one story is a far cry from turning a full-length novel into an audiobook. However, that is indeed my long term goal. At this point, I’m keeping things simple for myself as I still get used to the equipment both for recording as well as editing to get the best sound quality for listeners.

To keep things manageable for myself, I’m planning on recording the rest of the 25+ stories from the anthology, as well as slowly begin recording it’s predecessor “The Vampyre Blogs – Coming Home”.  Like the anthology, that novel is mainly comprised of blog, e-journal, and e-diary entries from various characters in the book.  And I plan on doing different voices for the authors of each entry, in an effort to bring the entire story and cast more to life for you all.

I have already started compiling what I call my “Voice Library”, which currently contains over 140 different voices (most based on actors and characters from movies, television, and even cartoons). I’ve always been a vocal mimic since childhood, and am taking great joy in finding a constructive outlet for all those years of trying to amuse myself and friends. I may share some brief recordings here, featuring some of the voices so you can get a better idea of just how versatile I can be.

But with all that said, the main topic I’d like to share with you all how I’ve been able to make all this happen. I know many of you might be wondering if I rent time at a local recording studio, or did I set up my own inside my home? If I’m doing it at home (which I am), how much special equipment did I have to buy? Did I have to soundproof an entire room? Who is doing the editing of my recordings? Will they be available through Amazon’s Audible program? If they will be available through Audible, how did I submit my work to them? What are their requirements, etc.?

Okay, let’s begin with how I got started down this particular path. As I’ve mentioned in a post last August when I first began thinking about this, I had been asked many times if any of our books were available in audio. Whenever I said I’d been thinking about it, but couldn’t decide on a reader I would be told “You should do it yourself! You’ve got a great voice…” So that of course got me thinking.

I did wind up trying a few samples back then, but I wasn’t happy with the quality of the recordings and kind of went off the idea a bit.

Then Helen not only began but finished her first solo novel. Besides listening and helping beta-read for her, I wound up doing the cover art for her. Then we had to focus on marketing the book to build up interest. So besides promoting the book on blogs, FB, Twitter, etc. but I wound up creating my very 1st book trailer. Anyone wanting to see the results can click on this YouTube link:


While not 100% perfect, I was quite happy with the results, especially the voice-over you hear in the trailer. Shortly afterwards we held a book launch party for her novel “Forever’s Too Long”. During the party I did something I’ve been thinking about for some time but never tried, namely loud readings using the voices of character’s appear in the scene for those who attended. Their responses were much more positive than I’d expected.

As a result, I finally decided to go ahead and begin doing audio readings. But first I had to start gathering the right equipment for such an undertaking.


Available at:







Also there will be signed trade paperback copies available upon request. Simply leave a comment in the section below, or e-mail me at: 



So, one of the first things I often hear from people when they hear I have a book coming out is, “Who’s your publisher?”

There’s long been a stigma to self-publishing, and until recently, it was deserved. A writer had to buy a few thousand copies to get it printed at reasonable rates and generally did so as a pet project. Anyone who wanted to reach a wide audience and to possibly make money had to find a publisher who thought their work was high enough quality to invest in. It would go through rounds of editing before ever going to the shops. A real publisher meant the writer had talent. Self-publishing just meant they had money.


That was then. This is now. Everyone knows there have been radical changes in how books are sold.There are many formats besides paper. Bookstore chains have collapsed or moved to online only. Publishing houses rise and fall, to the point where there are few one has heard of. But more has happened behind the scenes. Publishers tend not to invest in writers who aren’t celebrities. Instead, even authors who have turned a modest profit on multiple books are asked to shoulder the burden of “typesetting fees”. The manuscript is rarely put through an editing process. What most publishers look for is one thing: marketability. They are looking for a trendy subject, a sexy concept, and work that fits neatly into a hot genre or niche market.

Allan and I worked together on his first project to create something ended up combining thriller, paranormal investigation, police procedural,science fiction, horror, and strongly featured a lesbian couple. It didn’t fit neatly into a genre and as Allan researched the market and the experience of other writers, he realized how much things had changed.

With print on demand technology, works can be published with little more investment than the blood, sweat, and tears of the writer. Not relying on a publisher who doesn’t want to pay an editor to proofread the material, error checking is done by volunteers, and by several read-throughs by the author who is deeply committed to putting out a quality product. A publisher wants to sell a book and if the reader is dissatisfied, it means little. You’ll buy another author next time. The writer, on the other hand, has to deliver great work if they want readers to love their book and look for more by them.

In short, I don’t believe publishers care as much about quality as marketing at this point. And while anyone can self-publish a book these days, it’s not a warning sign that it was unpublishable by other means, because print-on-demand is great for giving an author more control, a greater profit share, and a way to reach a large audience, hence it is the first choice rather than last resort. Allan and I have chosen this route and advise others to do the same.

Interestingly, the publishing houses track print-on-demand sales. If an author makes themselves into hot property, then they may be offered a favorable contract that will help them get into more brick-and-mortar stores. Ultimately– the fate of writers is in the hands of the readers. Thank you for thinking of me!

-by Helen Krummenacker

Vampire's Rule

His name is Jack, his nickname is “Jackpot” and with good reason. Killed by a werewolf, but changed at the last moment by vampires he is spared from death. Then by a freak chance, he becomes mortal once more after an encounter with another werewolf. Now he’s not completely human, vampire or werewolf… he’s something more.

K. C. Blake presents us with a unique blend of traditional vampires, werewolves and a bit more thrown in. It’s a fast-paced tale of life, death, rebirth. Second chances that may not be all we hoped they would be. Friends and family become enemies and allies, with twists and turns sure to keep the reader on edge.   The pacing is good and the story intriguing.  Definitely an enjoyable read.

Now this is the first in “The Rule” series. The characters can be a little hard to like at times, but when setting the stage for a series this can be forgiven as we watch them grow and find that there is still a lot more to come from this author and these books.

Highly recommended for vampire and werewolf fans.




Away With the Fairies

This is one of the Phryne Fisher novels, a mystery set in Australia. These deal not only with solving crimes– in this case, looking into the suspicious death of an eccentric writer of fairy stories– but also the social structures of the times they are set in. It’s 1928, and the aftermath of the Great War is still felt in everything from the growth of women’s career options to international politics. For Miss Fisher, the international politics has turned her personal life on end, because her Chinese boyfriend is in danger just trying to handle his family’s import business while China is in crisis. As for the mystery, most of the suspects living as neighbors to the deceased were also her co-workers through a women’s magazine. And what a women’s magazine it is! While there are columns on child-raising and fashion, the magazine is full of how-to information on building your own radio and fixing your car, as well as health and gardening advice.

The editor is a feminist and sees her magazine as a means of changing the world, by making it so that people see achievement as not merely for extraordinary women, but every woman. I found this an important take because in the history of feminism, there was a split after winning the vote between women who wanted to focus on opening opportunities for extraordinary women (what I think led to the idea of “white feminism” being about leadership and opportunity for women of the privileged classes) and women who wanted to focus on helping the most vulnerable women (immigrants, working class, etc.). By making a magazine that intended to lift up women regardless of background, giving them skills that would save money and show them as competent and capable, the editor was, in essence, trying for a middle ground that would move all women forward.

Phryne is sympathetic and joins in with the magazine, filling in for their fashion writer who is away. While Miss Fisher is wealthy now, her background was quite different and she has a refreshingly practical approach to get maximum wear and versatility with minimal outlay, with a bonus column on remaking vintage clothing into couture to get a special occasion look at thrift store pricing. While her work on the articles is mostly a way to gain access to the suspects and a minor part of a plot involving assassination attempts, pirates, and the search for a motive, it tells us about Phryne’s character– how she can turn a chance encounter with a friend into an opportunity to create a win-win scenario; how a cover ‘job’ is attended to with the diligence appropriate for someone seeking a career; and how her respect for Dot gives her even more insight into the needs of the everywoman than her own life experience can.

True to the concept expressed in the magazine, the writer uses the novel to give us not merely the extraordinary Miss Fisher, Bunty, and other seekers of adventure, but the quiet strength and leadership of the magazine editor and the matriarch of the Lin family, the single-mindedness of a passionate photographer who will spend hours to get the perfect shot and work for plates, and the wholesome determination of Dot, or a widowed mother, or prodigal niece who combine their labor with principle. There is something to admire in most of the women, and while there are a few who are more notable for folly in the end, there is hope (except in the case of the deceased) that they will learn from their mistakes and come out better and happier for it.

This is the first I have read of the Miss Fisher books, although I’ve enjoyed the TV series. As usual, books give so much more wealth of detail and the opportunity for greater depth. Kerry Greenwood takes the time to delve into history and social themes, grounding them in reality (piracy is organized crime, not merry mischief) and weaving them together from separate plot strands, as when she links post-trauma reaction to mutilation and betrayal in different circumstances. While the novels can be enjoyed on a superficial level of escape into a distant time with a flamboyant heroine pursuing justice, I think most readers will find satisfaction in the sense that they have learned a little, thought a little, and been given an opportunity to see ways to live well.



5 – STARS “What price for sanity?”

    Waverly Hills Sanatorium is an actual place in Louisville Kentucky that the author visited as part of a paranormal investigative team. By the author’s own admission their paranormal experiences where ‘minimal’, I feel the setting and strangeness of exploring an abandoned place with so much history lent a great deal to the creation of this novel.

     Ben Clausen has landed a job teaching English over at the U of L, and is now searching for a place to live. His search has brought him to the most unlikely place to find an apartment, one half of the old Waverly Hills Sanatorium a place famous for its tragedies and ghostly legends. Only one half of the place has been converted into apartments, while the remaining half is still in severe disrepair and is kept off-limits, perhaps for very good reasons.

    But beggars can’t be choosers, and with the rent priced just right Ben moves in and soon begins meeting his fellow residents, but are all of them truly real? There’s the down to earth Kayla, who seems to know a lot about the place and the residents, the disconcerting Mort Shackelford who meets an untimely end by a strange visitor, and the fascinatingly exotic Scarlet Snow who seems to weave a spell over Ben in more ways than one.

    Before long Ben finds himself caught up in a series of strange encounters, and not all of them are purely of this world, all of which could be leading to his own destruction/damnation…

    But beggars can’t be choosers, and with the rent priced just right Ben moves in and soon begins meeting his fellow residents, but are all of them truly real?

    The author weaves an intricate and tantalizing tale, often leaving the protagonist with the questions of “Did that really happen?” carefully blended with intrigue from human sources, that keeps the reader wanting to know more.

     A good page-turner. A perfect read for the Halloween season. Hope to see more.





4 – STARS “An Eerie Blend To Satisfy Horror Enthusiasts…”

Mix one part voodoo, one part devil worship, three parts darker side of human nature and you get “The Haunting of Gospall”.

The author does a wondrous job of blending these three elements into a intricate yarn that transcends the high seas. He starts us off with a brilliant opening scene upon the SS Gospall in the 1800’s, showing a keen insight of what sailors and captains faced on the open waters during one of the more contentious periods between England and France.  We’re introduced to characters we come to admire and care deeply for, both in the 1800’s and the present, as the tale unfolds and a mystery that links the two time periods slowly unfolds.

We meet Sean, who is blessed unwillingly with psychic talents that has led him down a dark path once before.  The author also introduces us to his beloved Sophie who not only listens to him when he starts telling her about strange events that led not only to his mother’s death, but also the strange visions and encounters he has been experiencing.  Led by Sophie, they start digging deeper into the mysteries which leads them to a meeting Seamus Mallom, a former exorcist, with demons of his own that led to his hanging up his white collar… so to speak.

Soon the trio find that all that is happening around them and the world seems linked to the final fate of the Gospall, the villainous pirate Santia that had usurpsed command of the vessel, and an island where the darkest of magics were being performed.

Sins of the past and a final battle for salvation hang in the balance, but is it already too late for the world?

A ripping good yarn, especially for the Halloween season.

